If you are someone who benefits from self-help books, I have included a few that I believe can be helpful and that my clients have found helpful.  Please remember to use your own judgement: if something doesn't fit for you, dismiss it and move on.

First Aid

  • Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression by Howard Schubiner, MD

  • Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, Ph.D.  Her CD set entitled Radical Self Acceptance is also excellent.
  • Breaking the Patterns of Depression by Michael Yapko, Ph.D.   This book includes both text and exercises.  It is practical and informative.  It is not about insight or depth of human experience.

  • True Refuge by Tara Brach, Ph.D.

  • When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodrin

  • How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Bloomfield, Colgrove & McWilliams

       Communication and Relationships

    • The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John and Julie Gottman

    • Eight Dates by John and Julie Gottman
    • Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix

    • Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

    • Before the Change by Anne Louise Gittleman.

    • The Wisdom of Menopause: creating physical and emotional health during the change by Christine Northrop

    • Our bodies, Ourselves: Menopause by The Boston Women's Health Book Collective.W of Menopause: Creating Physical and Em

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